Angel Reese’s Historic Contract: A New Era in Sports and Marketing In a groundbreaking move that marks a significant milestone in the world of sports...
In a surprising turn of events, Kamilla Cardoso has announced her resignation from professional basketball due to personal reasons. The talented player, known for her...
Chicago Sky rookie Angel Reese was named to the WNBA’s 2024 All-Star team on Tuesday. Following the announcement, Reese shared an emotional reaction during an...
“I Don’t Care”: Angel Reese Is Unbothered by the Chicago Sky’s $38 Million Investment as the Rookie Preps for the WNBA to Resume The...
Angel Reese now holds the record for most consecutive double-doubles in WNBA history. In the Sunday matchup against the Seattle Storm, Reese scored 17 points...
Storm rally past Sky; Angel Reese sets double-double. A third-quarter rally saw Seattle wipe away an eight-point halftime deficit before holding off a late Chicago...
All eyes in the league are on Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese, this year’s No. 1 and No. 7 selections, respectively, New York Liberty star Breanna...