David Letterman: ‘God Bless Taylor Swift and Kelsey Grammer.’ She’s dating Frasier?

Taylor Swift is dating Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, seen here leaving GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium after the Chiefs game on Christmas Day. But does David Letterman think she’s dating TV’s “Frasier,” Kelsey Grammer?
Taylor Swift is dating Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, seen here leaving GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium after the Chiefs game on Christmas Day. But does David Letterman think she’s dating TV’s “Frasier,” Kelsey Grammer? NICK WAGNER nwagner@kcstar.com
David Letterman is gushing all over Taylor Swift these days — her talent, her humanity, her romance with Kelsey Grammer, that guy who played “Frasier” on TV.
Say what?
In a video posted to the talk show king’s Facebook page, Letterman takes a moment to “say something about Taylor Swift,” and keeps mistakenly referring to her boyfriend, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, as Kelsey Grammer, the actor who stars in TV’s “Frasier.”
Why do we think it was intentional?
And we’re not the only ones thinking that, judging from the comments.
“He said Kelsey Grammar to be witty; he knows that she’s actually dating Travis Kelce. Dave has a LOT of tongue in cheek humor!”
“He had me believing she was dating Kelsey Grammar. Lol”
It gave Swifties something to talk — and laugh — about.
“@New Heights Kelsey Grammer moving in,” one commenter wrote, tagging the podcast Kelce co-hosts with his brother, Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce.
“So Dave will we be seeing Taylor Swift on one of your my next guest is shows?”
“Love David Letterman … someone better break it to Kelsey Grammar that he is dating Taylor Swift.”
Kelsey Grammer attended “The God Committee” premiere during the 2021 Tribeca Festival in New York. He is not dating Taylor Swift. Jim Spellman TNS
Swift was in Baltimore on Sunday to watch Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs play the Ravens for the AFC Championship. The winner goes on to the Super Bowl.
In the video, Letterman says, “I don’t think in the history of show business, in the history of popular culture, we’ve ever witnessed anything like this. Tremendous. She fills stadiums around the world and puts on a three-hour show.”
Turning to his friend and former band leader, Paul Shaffer, he says: “Now Paul, you speak to that. That’s unheard of, isn’t it?”
An unidentified woman sitting between them asks, “Are you guys Swifties?”
“I don’t know what the means,” Letterman says.
“Are we Swifties? Of course we’re Swifties,” Shaffer says.
“Paul says we’re Swifties,” says Letterman.
Letterman continues with his Valentine to Swift, saying “people love her as a human being. The humanity of the woman is what is phenomenal now in the history of popular culture.
“OK. Put that aside. We live in a world now where all we hear is nonsense and ugliness … so now, here’s Taylor Swift who is a glowing bright light of goodness in the world and she starts dating Kelsey Grammer.”
“No. That’s not true. Kelsey Grammer?” the woman says.
“Yes,” says Letterman.
“Interesting pairing,” says Shaffer.
“Yes, and people go crazy,” Letterman goes on. “And the Kelsey Grammer people say, ‘Oh no, no don’t bother us. We’re all caught up in football. We don’t want Taylor in football.’
“And the Taylor Swift people, the Swifties, are saying, ‘Oh we don’t want a footballer in here with Kelsey Grammer.’”
“Travis Kelce!” someone off-camera yells.
Letterman: “Huh?”
“Travis Kelce!” the voice yells again.
“Right. Travis Kelce,” Letterman corrects himself. “And I say to both camps, this is such a lovely thing, shut up. It’s good for the footballers. it’s good for Taylor Swift and it’s something positive and happy for the world.
“And also politically, Taylor Swift is a huge force and I think just wants to see people do the right thing. so God bless Taylor Swift and Kelsey Grammer.”